• LeadLab ist Datenschutzkonform nach der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung

    ➔ LeadLab verwendet kein Profiling ➔ WiredMinds speichert keinerlei IP Adressen ➔ Für das Tracking werden keine Cookies erstellt ➔ Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet Weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz Links zum Thema: Wie funktioniert LeadLab Datenschutzkonform und ohne Cookies WiredMinds Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag – AVV (de) Stellungnahme zur Verwendung von…

  • Export Data / run one-time report

    Export data / run one-time reportYou can use reports not only to receive current data on a regular basis, but also to evaluate any period of time. We have described how to set up a standard report for you here. You have the option to have each report generated for…

  • Cookiebot

    If you use LeadLab and have chosen Cookiebot as your consent banner, LeadLab will automatically be listed as a pixel tracker for you. To ensure error-free tracking, it is easiest to declare LeadLab as technically necessary here. In this way, you ensure that the tracking also works if a website…

  • Delete provider

    Here we explain how you can delete providers from your evaluations so that your overview shows only the companies that are relevant for you. Why do I see providers in my evaluation list? It happens again and again that providers crawl your website, companies have too high security requirements to…

  • Marketing Report

    Recommended statistics and settings for a standard marketing report In addition to the detected companies and their transaction data, LeadLab has several statistics that are especially useful for marketing. In this article you can read how to create such a marketing report. Create a report You can easily create a…

  • LeadLab Tracking | Cookie Banner

    Conclusion of the ECJ ruling on the use of cookies. Since the ECJ ruling of 01.10.2019, only technically necessary cookies may be set automatically. Cookies for marketing or statistical purposes are only allowed after active consent. The user must thereby actively consent via an opt-in. Preset consents are no longer…

  • Search company

    You can search for a specific company within LeadLab using the search bar in a statistic or using a filter. How can I search for a company using the search box? First, select a period of time in which you want to see if a certain company has been tracked….

  • Search company

    In most statistics you can search directly for company names or values in the output list. Why should I search for a specific company? Often sales people have one or more companies in mind that they would like to have as customers, or with whom they are currently in contact…

  • Mobile App

    How to get the app! Download the LeadLab app for your smartphone from the App Store or Google Play. If you have any questions about installing it on your cell phone, please contact our support team at +49 (0) 711 585 331 314. Authentication You can create your personal device…