- Be-Direct ID
- The customer ID of the company visitor at our database partner BeDirect.
- Branch
- The industry of your website visitor according to industry code WZ2008 of the Federal Statistical Office. (Industry code)
- Branch code
- The industry code of your website visitor according to industry code WZ2008 of the Federal Statistical Office.
- Campaign
- The name of the campaign a website visitor triggered to visit your website. (e.g. Email Newsletter, Google Ad, Online Banner etc.)
- Company
- The company name of the identified company visitor. (e.g. Wiredminds Ltd.)
- Company Size – Class
- Field content empty=No value can be determined Class 00=No information available for this value Class 01=1-4 employees Class 02=5-9 employees Class 03=10-19 employees Class 04=20-49 employees Class 05=50-99 employees Class 06=100-199 employees Class 07=200-499 employees Class 08=500-999 employees Class 09=1000-1999 employees Class 10=from 2000 employees.
- Contacts
- The “decision maker data” of the identified company according to our database partner BeDirect. (e.g. contact person in the identified company).
- Continent
- The continent from which the captured visit is made.
- Country
- The country of origin of your website visitor.
- Crefo No.
- The customer ID of the company visitor at Creditreform.
- Custom Event
- Event set up by you individually, such as “contact form sent” or “added to shopping cart”
- Data Volume
- The data volume describes the number of stored entries in a database for a LeadLab account. (All identified companies, visits, clicks, etc.).
- Date
- The unique date of the displayed visit.
- Device
- Which mobile device (brand e.g. Apple, Samsung, Huawei) was used to access your website.
- Direct ( Origin )
- The number of visits via a direct entry (ex: bookmark or direct entry in the address bar)
- Do-Not-Track
- Do Not Track is an HTTP header field and signals a website or web application’s wish not to create a usage profile about the visitor’s activities. This option can be enabled in the LeadLab configuration.
- Domain
- The website address of your identified company visitor.
- Download
- The names of the downloaded documents, images or other files.
- Duration
- The dwell time per visit, per URL, etc. (depending on the statistics).
- Duration / Pi
- The average dwell time per pageview (PIS=Page Impression=Page View).
- Duration / Visit
- The average length of stay per visit.
- Entry Pages
- Shows on which page of your domain the visitor entered. (The page that comes first in the visit history).
- Events
- The naming of a downloaded document, the called mailto address or the naming of the external link.
- External Links
- The naming of the external link. (e.g. www.facebook.com/company)
- Facebook Click Identifier. This parameter is played out with in the URL when someone comes to your page via a Facebook campaign.
- Founding year
- The founding year of the identified company visitor according to our database partner BeDirect.
- Google Click Identifier. This parameter is transmitted in the called URL when a Google campaign is triggered.
- Hits
- This value indicates the number of clicks on an event or download.
- IP Blacklist
- The IP blacklist can be used to store IP addresses that are not to be included in tracking.
- Microsoft Click Identifier. This parameter is included in the URL when a visitor arrives at your site via a Bing campaign.
- MailTo
- The text of the called mailto addresses of your website.
- Marketing Automation
- Marketing automation is a software-based method to automate marketing and sales processes. This triggers processes based on user behavior. (e.g. automatic email newsletter)
- New Visitor
- The New Visitor reading indicates how many visitors have not been previously tracked by Tracking in the specified time period.
- Note
- With a note you can assign any notes to a recognized company. It is NOT possible to filter by the content of the notes, only whether a note has been assigned or not.
- Operating System
- The operating system used by your website visitor. This can tell you, in particular, whether a visitor accessed your site via a mobile device or a desktop PC.
- Page
- The page is part of the page URL and includes the content after the end of the domain. In the company overview the TOP 5 visited pages are meant. Page names are separated by a | (pipe).
- Page Impression (Pi)
- The number of PI=Page Impression (page views) – Indicates how many page views or clicks were generated within the set time period.
- Private Visitor (anonymous visitor)
- A private visitor is a website visitor who cannot be associated with an identified company.
- Recognition rate
- The recognition rate indicates how many visits are passed off as company visits. (Ratio of total visits to company visits)
- Referrer (Origin)
- The number of visits that came to your domain via a referring website. (e.g. partner site, Wikipedia or similar).
- Referrer URL
- The naming of the external referrer. A referrer indicates from which external page someone has reached your page by clicking on a link.
- Region
- The region / state of the visitor (e.g. Baden-Württemberg)
- Returning Visitor
- A unique recognized returning visitor based on the browser information used.
- Score % (Ø)
- The percentage average scoring value over all visits to the identified company from the set time period.
- Score (Max)
- The unique scoring value of the highest scoring visit.
- Score (Ø)
- The average score across all visits to the identified company.
- Scoring % max
- The percentage scoring value of the highest scoring visit.
- Search Engine (Origin)
- The number of visits that came to your domain via a search engine. (Ex. Google)
- Tag
- The marker you set for an identified company.
- Tracking Domain
- Your own domains that are tracked for you. (e.g. www.wiredminds.de)
- Visits
- The number of visits in the set period of a company.
- Visits to average
- If we look at the sum of all visits from one week, the number represents the percentage of visits on that day in relation to the average visits per day.
- ZIP Code
- The zip code of the recognized company or visitor.