Search company In most statistics you can search directly for company names or values in the output list. Why should I search...
Messwerte Hier finden Sie alle existierenden Messwerte aus LeadLab und deren Erläuterung. Adresse enthält Straße, Hausnummer, PLZ, Ort und Telefonnummer des...
Company overview / Company and visit details You can display the tracked data from the company overview in three different levels. When do I use which view?...
Calendar / Set date In almost every statistic in LeadLab, you can use the calendar to restrict the dates displayed. To do this, simply...
Show/hide measured values You can display different measured values in each statistic. Why should I display different measured values? Depending on which goals...
Sort measured values You can sort measured values of the different statistics in ascending or descending order. Why is sorting by measured values...
Edit tables In the “Edit table” menu, you can set various options for displaying the data in the desired statistics. Among other...